A quality visual inspection of welds is not limited to a mere glance at the weld seam. Visual inspection must be carried out according to standardized requirements that define very precisely all the practical aspects of weld seam quality control.
A quality visual inspection of welds is not limited to a mere glance at the weld seam. Visual inspection must be carried out according to standardized requirements that define very precisely all the practical aspects of weld seam quality control.
The international standard that provides guidelines for the execution of quality visual inspection of weld seams is the EN ISO 17637 standard.
The accessibility to the weld seam must be sufficient for the eye to be located less than 600 mm from the surface to be observed and at an angle not less than 30 degrees.
The lighting of the surface:
The weld quality control report must include the following information:
The EN ISO 17637 standard (2003 edition) cites as information examples of classic measurement tools for weld seam control. BEWARE that all tools available on the market from 2003 to today are MEASURING tools, therefore it is very important to keep in mind that it is impossible to immediately qualify a defect as acceptable or not acceptable.
Measurement tools are divided into two types:
Classic measuring tools make visual inspection of welds very difficult.
The VT® gauge principle is GO or NOGO. Measurements, calculations, and manipulation of standards are not involved.